Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Software Development Life Cycle - Design Thinking Process



Design Thinking Process

Empathize - The beginning of Design Thinking, one must empathize with the users, and find a common problem. They must empathize with the user and find the requirements that the user wants.

Define - One must define the problem and continue to take in feedback to use when starting to Ideate. Also you should find what

Ideate - One must come up with ideas of what they want to prototype. After they have come up with these some rough sketches, they must confirm with the users, and take in feedback on what they should improve before starting their first prototype.

Prototype - Based upon the ideas and rough sketches from the ideate, one must come up with a product based on all the steps before.

Test - One must put their product under the most rigorous conditions, and knead out all of the problems one runs into in the prototype.
Design Thinking Steps

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