Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Namecard - Mission Reflection

Recap-ing the Process:
1. Empathize
  • In this step we figured out someone had a problem and needed a product made. We discovered their criteria and started to think about a product we could make.
  • Why this is important: For this step, we needed to find out what we needed to make. This step is arguably one of the most important for this is when we figure out what we need to do.
2. Define
  • In this step we defined the problems, theme, and dug deeper for what the user really wanted.
  • Why this is important: In this step we problem solve and brainstorm so that when we get into ideate, we know the problems that we will face, and how we can avoid them.
3. Ideate 
  • In ideate we made a rough sketch of the product we were going to make. Then with this product we took feedback from the user and other potential users.
  • Why this is important: The feedback is very important for it narrows down what we need to know about the user and how that correlates to the product.
4. Prototype/Test
  • This step we simply made the prototype. Then we took some feedback from the user, but not too much.
  • Why this is important: Finally this is the prototype. It is why we did all the other steps. The feedback we receive is meager and tests out our product. 
How I will improve my product if put to the task again:
Firstly I maybe try to add some background color. Then I will probably color in the wings/darken them.

1 comment:

  1. After taking the feedback, make changes - Implement the feedback both during ideate and prototype.
