Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Computer Architecture Notes

What brings the computer on:
Electricity, or no Electricity. Those are the only two states.

Everything you do is based on sending a signal, and not sending a signal.

On - 1 - bit
Off - 0 - bit

Combination of 8 Bits is called a Byte

1 Byte is used to represent each character on the keyboard including the space bar, caps lock, and all special symbols.

Microprocessor languages from punch cards - Assembly language (jmp, add, sub,)

High level languages (python, java, css...)

Source code ---> Compiler/Interpreter ---> Object Code/Machine Code (M/C)/ Binary code/ Binary Language?

interpret things into binary

Compiler vs. Interpreter

Interpreter - Get a command and it does it Line by Line.

Compiler - Finds errors in a ton of code

Interpreters and Compilers are system programs, they are like grammar teachers, an interpreter is a systems program that checks for grammatical errors line by line, and converts the source code into object code, and executes it. Compiler is a systems program that takes the entire source code, checks for errors, and when the whole code is free of syntax errors, it converts the entire code into object code.

Compilers and Interpreters compile 

Like a digit

Binary -

00 - A
01 - B

But we can't cover everything;

My Perspective on Computer Architecture

I am not totally sure on what computer architecture is, but I assume a couple of thing. Firstly, on the structure of a computer and how it looks. With modern technology, our computers are thin, fast and portable. Some, like desktop computers, are more slim, sleek, and well fitting in your desk.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

My Favorite Systems

My favorite system is the system that functions with:

  • Soccer Manager
  • Cars
  • ISS
  • Soccer

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Systems Thinking - Top Down Design

Payroll Generation - Top Down Design

Systems Thinking

What comes to your mind when you hear the word "system"? Examples, Explain.

When I think of the word "System" I think of a couple of things, in a very "systematic" order:

Firstly I think of a complicated system of gears; like one you would find in a complicated machine. I also think about a system, like two things that make up a whole.

Some systems are static, fixed. Like a close minded person, it doesn't take feed back.

Dynamic system: Very dynamic - Stock exchange

Tipping Point - Threshold where the system cannot return to the beginning.

resilient - When you can fix it and bring it back to where you started. You can bring it back to the stable state